March 2024

Ministry of the Word

I am happy to share with you that, by God’s grace, the ministry of the Word in Milan continues to flourish. The church seems to be in a season of growth, both numerically and spiritually. As our elders Mimmo and Vittorio often tell me, “Il clima della chiesa è buono” (“the climate of the church is good”). Recently, God has blessed us with several new families and students who are attending regularly. In the past six weeks, the church has been the fullest I have seen since we arrived in 2018. Some Sundays, there are more than 70 people present. I am currently preaching through the Gospel of Luke in our worship service and just concluded a series on the doctrine of the church from the Belgic Confession in our catechism service.

Our midweek Bible study and prayer meeting has also seen an uptick in attendance. Several university students take the metro from downtown when they are done with their classes for the day. Some have told me that meeting during the week for teaching and fellowship is vital for their walk with Christ. Sometimes after the study, we get a pizza together and extend our time of fellowship.

“Men of the Covenant”
Our monthly men’s meeting, which is called “Uomini del Patto” (“Men of the Covenant”), continues to be a healthy and vibrant ministry of the church. On the first Friday of each month, about 20 men gather to pray, sing, discuss a chapter from the book we are reading, and eat a pizza afterward. I love these brothers and I am encouraged by their zeal for the Gospel and love for one another.

In our January men’s meeting, we celebrated the 75th birthday of Arnaldo Mazzola, one of the deacons of our church. We are grateful to God for Arnaldo’s service to Christ’s flock. In our February meeting, we celebrated the 84th birthday of Giuseppe Canta, a member of our congregation who has walked with the Lord for many years. Men like Arnaldo and Giuseppe are good examples to the younger men in our congregation, as well as to middle-aged men like me. When I grow up, I want to be like them. :)

Ladies’ Book Club
The ladies’ book club, led by Janie, continues to meet once a month. The women take turns hosting the meeting in their homes. This continues to be an excellent opportunity for the ladies of Chiesa Riformata Filadelfia to pray together, study a book, and enjoy fellowship.

Brothers in Arms

One of the things for which I most grateful to God is that I get to serve alongside outstanding leaders in the local church. Elders Vittorio Calderaro and Domenico “Mimmo” Altobelli (pictured above) and deacons Tonino Bellitto, Tony La Leggia, and Arnaldo Mazzola (not pictured) are not only faithful and humble servants, they are my dear friends and men whom I respect and trust. I am thankful that they hold me accountable for my doctrine and behavior, having the love and courage to correct me when I have needed it. I am thankful for their commitment to the mission of the church, always reminding me that it is about proclaiming Christ through the ordinary means of grace. I am thankful for their fidelity to the gospel and the Reformed confessions, helping me to stay on track theologically and not lose focus of Jesus. I am thankful for their willingness to use their gifts for the pastoral care and spiritual wellbeing of the flock, setting us an example of Christlike servant-leadership. I am a blessed man to serve with them!

Synod 2024
I will be at Synod Escondido this June. I look forward to renewing fellowship with so many brothers, friends, and collegues, as well as giving a presentation about Mission Milan. Best of all, I happy to announce that the elders of Chiesa Riformata Filadelfia, Mimmo and Vittorio, will accompany me. This will be their first synod ever. They are looking forward to it and have been studying English with Janie in preparation. We believe that their attendance will be a good investment for the future of the church in Italy.

Family Matters
Janie, Iain, and I are well. Iain has decided to do a biochemistry degree in the States. We plan to move him into college this August. For the first time in 30 years, Janie and I will be empty-nesters. We will also be across the ocean from all four of our children. We appreciate your prayers!

We also thank you for your prayers regarding the purchase of a home. We hope that this will be possible, as we would like to stay on the mission field long-term and believe that this would be a wise investment of resources. Please pray that the Lord provides a way for us to do this and that he leads us according to his will.

Grazie di Cuore
As always, Janie and I give thanks to God for all who support us and Mission Milan. Thank you for your prayers, letters of encouragement, and financial aid. May the Lord continue to strengthen your faith in Christ, your hope in heaven, and your love for others.

Pastor Mike and Janie

This mission to Milan is only possible with the faithful prayers and generous contributions of people like you. If you would like to help us meet our goal by making a donation, you may send a check to:

Escondido United Reformed Church
1864 N. Broadway
Escondido, CA 92026

Checks should be made out to Escondido United Reformed Church. Please indicate that the support is for Rev. Michael Brown as a missionary to Italy.

Michael Brown

Rev. Michael Brown è il pastore della Chiesa Riformata Filadelfia e Ministro della Parola e dei Sacramenti dalle United Reformed Churches of North America (URCNA). È l’autore di molti articoli e diversi libri, tra cui Il vincolo sacro: Introduzione alla teologia del patto (2012), Christ and the Condition: The Covenant Theology of Samuel Petto (2012) e 2 Timothy: commentario espositivo sul Nuovo Testamento (2022).

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December 2023